Thursday, January 31, 2013





warmer    n.    something that generates, conserves or maintains heat.  

There are hand warmers, bun warmers, bottle warmers, food warmers, plate warmers, and bed warmers.  
 This month, however, we're going to talk about Leg Warmers.  Leg warmers, so popular in the 90’s, are finding favour in fashion again. They can be long, stretching up from ankles to knees, or even over the knees.    You might fold them over boot cuffs or cover ankle boots with them.  My favourite leg warmers could more aptly be called ankle warmers because I like shorter ones that hug around the lower leg best. 

 This month I’m offering my “Mock Cable Leg Warmers” pattern.  For less experienced knitters this is a great pattern.  The finished project looks like true cables, yet the pattern stitch doesn’t actually involve true cabling.

Though the pattern is knit flat, without any increases or decreases, it is knit from the top down.  A cast-on edge is more flexible and therefore more suitable to the calf or knee end of the leg warmer.  The process of binding off stitches is less elastic so it is better to have that end of the leg warmer around the ankle. 

With Valentine’s Day around the corner why not show a little love to your legs!