Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It's The Time of Year to 'Invest'

invest  | in 'vest |  v.  to cover (archaic).  Origin of invest:  Latin investire (to clothe) ; from in- + vestis (garment)
Yes .  It's the time of year when 25% of the commercials and ads you see or read are about "investing" in your future.  I took this to heart, but in my own way.  I decided to "invest" in Anthony's future -- his immediate clothing future, that is!

Anthony loves (let me say that again ... loves) to wear sweater vests that I knit for him.  Linda says it's always his choice when he gets to pick his clothes himself.  Cute!  He outgrew the vest I made last fall and Linda had to pack it away because Anthony was still trying to squeeze into it even though it fit like a 90's "belly shirt"!!

With his birthday approaching, I decided to knit him a new vest.  Anthony's birthday was March 15th.  I finished the vest at 11:00 p.m. on March 14th!!  Nothing like working down to the wire.  When he opened it, he must have said "Thank you, Oma!" about 6 or 7 times.  You know it's a hit when a 4-year-old says thank you spontaneously and often.

It's fairly plain;  gray so it goes with lots of his clothes;  has a soft, subtle texture;  and is nice and long so it will last for a while.
Kids vests are quick to knit and he loves them so.  I'm on to a new project already -- which can't be mentioned here because the recipient may read this!  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

 so·lu·tion  | sƏ · ‘lü ·shƏn |  n.  an action or process of solving a problem.

I've decided there's a knitting solution for almost everything.

Does anyone else get totally annoyed with tangled earbud wires?  Or trying to find them in the bottom of your bag ... and when you do, they are tangled?
